Wednesday, 28 September 2016

QuickBooks Support to set up Sales Tax in QuickBooks

QuickBooks as a great accounting manager has also made it too easy to record and collect sales tax whenever required. Sales tax preparation is a really very challenging task, but with the help of QuickBooks it can be now easily prepared. To have sales tax preparation with your QuickBooks software, you just need to setup sales tax in your QuickBooks software. You can also dial a toll-free of dial tech support number for QuickBooks sales tax to setup sales tax with your QuickBooks software. However, you can also go through this article post to have sales tax report with your QuickBooks software.
Before you start this sales tax setup procedure, you just need to gather some information like:
·        You should learn about Sales Tax concept so that you can clearly understand that how sales items, rates and codes are used to track sales tax and how it is paid to your tax agency.
·        These instructions are too long, but completely helpful to have correct setup of sales tax. You may also have an assistance of tech experts available 24*7 for online QuickBooks to have an error-free setup.
·        Have a view of a Sales tax preferences pictures.
·        Be sure, that sales tax is turned on.

After going through these above steps, you move toward further procedure to setup sales tax. So, let’s go through that:
Setup Sales Tax schedule for payment
·        First, open sales tax preferences.
·        In Owe Sale tax section choose, when you need to pay sales taxes to tax agency.
·        Now, in the Pay sales tax section choose how much time you need to make sales tax payment. Time interval specified here helps you to sets reminders to pay your sales taxes.
Have Sales tax codes for taxable and non-taxable status
·        Go to Sales tax preferences Window and click on most common sales tax. Now, choose Add New.
·        Now, in Sales Tax code window, enter the code of three digit Sales tax with descriptions.
·        Click on Ok.
·        Similarly, you can repeat 1 and 3 to setup each sales tax code.
·        When you have finished your Sales tax code, then you need to click on Taxable and non-taxable and then select default sales tax code.
With all these procedures, you can easily setup Sales Tax in your QuickBooks. However, if you want to have more information then you can call a QuickBooks technical support number.

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